How to install "libgsf" library
- install "Xcode".
- join ADC (Apple Developer Connection).This membership is free of charge.
- download latest Xcode and install it.
- install "Homebrew"
- open "Terminal" application in "Applications" -> "Utilities"
- copy the following line, paste it in the Terminal screen, and press the return key
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- install "libgsf"
Since the current version of TI Workbench for off-line is 64 bit
version, universal binary (32/64 bit version) of libgsf is not necessary
only for off-line version of TI Workbench. However some on-line
versions of TI Workbench still runs in the 32 bit mode. In such case
universal binary of libgsf is necessary to be installed.
- in case for installing native version of libgsf: only 64 bit version of libgsf is installed
- type "brew install libgsf" and press return in a window of the Terminal application
- in case for installing universal binary of libgsf (both 32 and 64 bit versions of libgsf are installed)
- modify "libgsf.rb" in "/usr/local/Library/Formula".
- activate a Finder window.
- select "Go" -> "Folder..."
- type /usr/local/Library/Formula
- find the "libgsf.rb" file in it and drop it onto the "TextEdit" application icon.
- add a line "ENV.universal_binary" below the "def install" line
- save the "libgsf.rb" file.
- this operation enables to create universal binary (32 bit and 64 bit versions) of libgsf library files.
- type "brew install glib --universal" and press return in a window of the Terminal application
- type "brew install libgsf" and press return in a window of the Terminal application