TI Workbench supplies creating plots for time course of image intensity or electrophysiological data. When numerical tables are needed for processing on spread sheet software, etc., they can produced on Igor. Exporting data to Igor makes plots on Igor. At this point, Igor already has data table inside. Just selecting "tables..." in "Window" menu of Igor lets you make data table on Igor, which can be saved as a text file or copied to clipboard.

Time course of segment of images can be saved as a text file (creator is Excel), through "Export..." in the "File" menu.


Image Off-line
".tiprm" files are created in the same folder as the data files.  If the folder is write-protected, or the "save back parameters" option in the "imageOption(Global)" is not checked, parameter files are not created.
By pressing the option key or the option + control keys, shapes and positions of ROIs can be changed in a segment of frames. Refer to here.
Shaded boxes in exorted time course plot in Igor graph indicates baseline range or analyze area. A dotted line in the graph indicates the time point of the accompanying image frame. These shaded boxes and dotted lines can not be changed or removed in Igor Graph window, because they are drawn in "User Back" layer. The default layer is "User Front". To change the layer in Igor Graph, do the following.
Shaded boxes are drawn in the "User Back" layer, otherwise the boxes hide plots.
Electrophysiology On-line
To monitor seal formation in patch clamp recording, use "Peak Detection" function. With peak detection check box in the Oscillo graph on and applying square pulses as voltage commands by "auto trigger" check box in the Oscillo Panel on, resulting current step size is displayed in the Peak Detection Dialog.
Electrophysiology Off-line